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Bad News

Sorry it has been so long since i’ve posted but between work, vet visits, and family it has been busy around here. Well we went last thursday for Boagey’s fourth and final chemo, his labs were perfect ( they said they looked like a puppy’s)  but his chest x-ray showed small mets to his lungs. i was devastated. I am trying to remain positive and just be thankful for the good days that we have had and the ones still to come. Otherwise Boagey seems to be doing well, he is still eating well, still getting around good, and doesnt seem to be in any type of respiratiory distress, which i am thankful for. This whole ordeal has been very hard on not only us but our families as well, because everyone loves our Boagey. Our vet said that the chemo would slow the growth but that it would eventually take him from us. I was a little angry at first because we have put him through so much, the surgery for amputation, the chemo, and yet we are still going to lose him, but now i realize that i am thankful for everyday that we get to spend with him and every good day that he has and i credit those good days to everything that we have done thus far. We were also very fortunate that out of all four chemo treatments that we did that Boagey only got sick once, usually we would go in the morings and  then come home and he would sleep until late afternoon, but other than that he did very well. It is still hard on both me and my husband to think that he wont be around forever. He honestly has the best most lovable humble personality of any dog that i have ever had, and he will be greatly missed. I guess that is all i have to say, i will try to keep updates as a i get time.

8 Comments so far

  1.   admin on June 21st, 2010          

    Congratulations on Boagey finishing up his chemo treatments. Jerry lived many happy days with lung mets — months in fact! Consider looking into metronomics and K9 Immunity, we believe they were both responsible for what Jerry’s oncologist referred to as “Stable Disease”.

    Above all, remember … Boagey is living with cancer, not dying from it!

  2.   etgayle on June 21st, 2010          

    we know this is devistating news – paws crossed for many, many, many good times ahead for you and boagey.

    gayle & charon

  3.   jack crowder on June 21st, 2010          

    just keep on thinkin about all the great days you have to share. Boagey sounds like he has a lot more to share with you.

    Cherish the time you have together and enjoy your lives together one day at a time.

    Shelby, the P.P.

  4.   jakesmom on June 21st, 2010          

    I’m sorry to hear about Boagey’s latest lung met diagnosis… But if you’ve been keeping up with the Tripawds forums, you’ll see that there are quite a few doggies that lived many more happy months after their lung mets. I hope that Boagey is one of the lucky ones.

    Just enjoy every minute you have with Boagey…

    As for the people that have left you negative messages… well all I can say is that they are ignorant about your situation. Please ignore them… as they don’t have a clue what they’re talking about!

    Sending you and Boagey a big fat hug!

    Angel Jake’s Mom

  5.   Carmen (Catie's Mom) on June 21st, 2010          

    Hang in there, Boagey!

    No matter what happens down the road – Boagey will always be with you forever in your heart. But you don’t have to think about that right now. Whenever I feel sad about Catie and start heading down that “how much time do we have” path, I simply tell myself (sometimes I have to yell) to go enjoy her NOW and refuse to let the unknown future diminish my gratitude that she’s still here.

    Just keep loving that boy like crazy. I’m sorry about the lung mets, but I’m happy he’s still here.


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