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Upset/but still a good day

Hello everyone, I am not sure who it is or why but there are some people leaving some not so nice comments about me and my decision (i have not approved any of them) and i just wanted to tell everyone who feels that i have not done the right thing to move on and not read the post and not bother commenting, because you are not here and you are not in my situation and we did what we thought was the best thing we could for our dog. So please leave me alone and stop harrasing me telling me that we are wrong and that we havent done the right thing, beacause we feel that we have!

For those of you that have been following us, Boagey is doing great, hopping all over the place, he is at the inlaws right now as we are on vacation, and i miss him dearly, but we call every day and his mom tells us that Boagey is okay and doing fine and running everywhere, and yes i mean run, he can still outrun me (or out hop i guess) on three legs, lol. We go for our second chemo next friday and expect everything to go good with it. I’ll keep everyone posted!

10 Comments so far

  1.   Leslie on April 20th, 2010          

    So sorry to hear that you’re being harrassed. As hard as it may be, just shake it off. Some people just don’t get it. I’ve had issues with people I work with, thinking they know what’s best for me and my family. But as you know, they don’t. Just like you, I’m fighting for my girl as hard as I can. Thanks to that she is here right now and we get to enjoy our time with her. That’s all that truly matters.

    So happy to hear that Boagey is doing well. Good luck with the 2nd chemo and keep your head up. You are a great person for fighting for someone who can’t fight for themselves.

  2.   ldillon81 on April 20th, 2010          

    anybody who judges your decision, has obviously never been in your shoes. Dogs have 3 legs and a spare, so to amputate is just getting rid of that extra limb. My dog has been happier the past 11 months than he ever was with 4 legs. Don’t let others tell you what’s best…and if anyone reading this blog feels the need to judge, please leave the veterinary care to the professionals 😛 Good luck with the second chemo – I know he will do grrrreat! And have a good vacation 🙂

    <3 Laura and Jackers

  3.   Opie on April 20th, 2010          

    There will always be those who will never believe that amputation is the right decision. Their minds are closed tight. Ignore them and know that you did the right thing for your dog and your family. Run Boagey, Run! Opie

  4.   admin on April 20th, 2010          

    Fighting spam is an ongoing struggle for all bloggers. We noticed you didn’t have youe Typepad Anti-Spam plugin enabled so we just activated that for you. It should help slow the onslaught of spam comments a bit. Tripawds Supporter Blogs also received emhanced spam protection with the WP-SpamFree plugin. Be sure to mark any unwanted comments as spam, so the don’t appear in your dashboard.

    Aside from that, please know that this community wholeheartedly understands you have done the absolute best thing for Boagey!

  5.   maggie on April 20th, 2010          

    That’s horrible. I’m glad that Admin has helped that stuff coming in on your blog! I get some stuff from time to time but not stuff like that! No one can judge what another does until they’ve gone down the same path….IMO.

    Tracy, Maggie’s Mom

  6.   jerry on April 20th, 2010          

    Boagey, we’re here for you. While there are some ill-informed humans out there who don’t get it, you know you can always count on us for support.

  7.   Tazzie on April 20th, 2010          


    We love hearing your tails. Don’t let people put you off just because they haven’t stepped in your paws, okay?

    But if they do, let Codie Rae know and I bet she will marshall the German Shepherd Police (Codie Ray, Travis Ray and Wyatt). WooHoo!

    We might have been just as ignorant if we hadn’t been through this. Who would have known tripawds could have so much fun – enough to make any 4-legger jealous!

  8.   jack crowder on April 20th, 2010          

    Next time someone says something mean, do like that lady on the TV show, Tell them “to kiss my grits”

    That will show ’em!

    Shelby, the P.P.

  9.   Carmen (Catie's Mom) on April 20th, 2010          

    Sheesh. What is WRONG with people? I’ve had some spam but nothing particularly nasty.

    You ABSOLUTELY did the right thing for Boagey! Enjoy your vacation; Boagey sounds like he’s being well looked after. I’m happy to hear he’s doing so very well. Look forward to your next update.

  10.   majorbubbatank on April 20th, 2010          

    One of my coworkers overheard me telling a friend about Major’s amputation and said that for 25 cents a bullet would’ve been a better bet. I politely told him to choke on it (pardon the implied vulgarity) and left it at that. People can be cruel and ignorant people are worse. Don’t let it get under your skin. You know you made the right decision for you and Boagie. That’s all that matters. You have our whole hearted support in WHATEVER you decide.

    Rachel, Major, Dusty, and Balou

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